PCIe Protocol Analyzer

XSPI Protocol Exerciser and Analyzer

Product Overview

PGY-STG-PAXSPI Protocol Exerciser and Analyzer is the most feature rich comprehensive Protocol validation product available to validate, analyze and debug XSPI/OSPI Protocol layer. PGY-STG–PAXSPI Protocol Analyzer supports XSPI Protocol analysis for wide data rate upto 250MHz DDR mode. The innovative active probe has minimum electrical loading on device undertest (DUT) and allows the protocol data capture without affecting the performance DUT.PGY-STG-PA Protocol analyzer allows industry first continuous streaming of protocol data to the host system.

PGY-STG-PAXSPI Protocol Analyzer allows Design and Test Engineers to test and debug XSPI interface by capturing the XSPI protocol activity from power on state and full transfer while the device under test switching from one lane to eight lane mode and analyzes the protocol errors. This helps the design and test engineer debug design issues and reducing the time to market.

Key features

  • Provides industry best probing solutions to simultaneously capture commands, response and data in 1S-1S-1S and 8S-8S-8S mode.
  • Data capture at 250MHz
  • Continuous streaming of protocol data to host system SSD/HDD for long duration
  • Hardware based protocol aware trigger capability enables capturing specific events
  • On the fly protocol validation for any failure in sequence of expected commands and response
  • Analytical information about commands, response, and data
  • Analytics provides the decoding of device registers for easy analysis
  • Filter feature allows you to view specific packets in decoded protocol packets
  • Search for specific events in protocol activity
  • Easy to use software user interfaces reduces the learning curve of protocol analysis
  • Software is designed to handle long duration capture and display the decoded data without demanding extensive resources in host computer
  • Trigger out signal for any specific protocol event allows triggering of other instruments such as oscilloscope
  • Interface to host system using USB3.0 interface
  • Flexibility to upgrade the hardware firmware provides easy field up gradation of firmware
  • Decoded data packets can be exported to txt file for further analysis
  • Upgradable to support QSPI, eMMC, SD and SDIO Protocol Analysis
  • Report Generation

Specifications for XSPI/OSPI Protocol Analyzer:

 Interfaces Supported


 Protocol Decode

Command,Response,CRC,Data,Arguments, Device registers

 Data Decode

 1 bit, 8 bit

 Timing Analysis

 Asynchronous high speed data capture to analyze the timing issues

 Operating Voltage levels

 1.2V, 1.8V and 3.3V

 Storage Capability

Continuous streaming of acquired protocol to host computer storage system

Simultaneous monitoring of devices


Capture Mode

 Manual Run/Stop, Time specific

 Trigger on

 Command,Response, If-then-else multileveltrigger capabilities

 Trigger Actions

 Capturedata and/ortrigger out signal

 Signal Input

 Digital Signal input to mark the activities in Protocol activity

Host System Interface


Power Advanced Trigger Capabilities

XSPI Software

PGY-STG-PA software supports auto, message and advanced trigger capabilities.This enables design engineer to capture elusive events with easily setting trigger events. If-then-elseif trigger feature monitors two trigger events and takes the action.This action could be to monitor another trigger event or capture the protocol activity from the device under test.

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