UART/RS232C Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software

UART, RS232 Electrical Validation and Protocol Decode Software offer electrical measurements compliance testing, and protocol decoding as specified in UART specification. PGY-UART Electrical validation and Protocol decode software runs in Tektronix Oscilloscope and provides electrical measurements and protocol decode at the click of a button. This allows engineers quickly check for UART compliance and flexibility to debug the failure. In addition to this engineers can decode the command and response of UART to debug the communication. PGY-UART takes advantage of the digital channels of MSO and provides the decoding of UART data lines.
Key features
- Converts time-domain waveform information into data domain, and displays the contents in UART/RS232C message format.
- Simultaneous waveform and decoded data display in a single window allow efficient debugging.
- The ability to link any UART/RS232C frame to the waveform allows efficient analysis of UART/RS232 communication.
- The ability to zoom the waveform for any of the decoded data allows engineers to note analog characteristics of the waveform.
- The detailed view overlays the binary data on the waveform for selected UART/RS232 data
- Flexibility to view the decoded data in hex, binary, decimal, and ASCII format.
- The search function helps in quickly locating the specific data in thousands of decoded UART/RS232 messages.
- Timestamp with reference to trigger position allows engineers to know the timing of data from the trigger position.
- Offline analysis with the Ref waveforms, .wfm (Tektronix oscilloscope’s internal waveform file format), and .csv files
- Capability to save the decoded messages in CSV format.
PDU-R with DPO70000/DSA70000 high bandwidth oscilloscope series can be used to debug the UART/RS232 serial buses. This enables the designer to use DPO/DSA70000 series oscilloscope for debugging UART/RS232C signals along with high-speed designs SATA/DDR/HDMI/FBDIMM/PCI-E and so forth.
Advanced Debug Capabilities
The feature-rich PDU-R UART/RS232 protocol decode software imports the oscilloscope-acquired UART/RS232 data and displays the decoded data in different data formats. PDUR provides flexibility in setting the bits of the number in the stop/start of the UART frame.
For easy and quick analysis, PDU-R offers flexibility to display the order of MSB and LSB bits in decoded bytes. Users can define the number of bits per data byte making PDU-R a customizable view of the decoded data. These features make the PDU-R software industry best decode and debug UART signals.
In PDU-R Protocol Decode Software user can quickly link the decoded data to the waveform by selecting data in the result table. In a detailed view, the ‘1’ and ‘0’ is overlaid on the waveform for quick analysis of data transition. When signals are decoded from a wfm or CSV file, the PDU-R waveform display would plot the waveform enabling a simultaneous view of the time and data domain of UART signals.